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Your best brand advocates are your employees!

‘Employee advocacy’ is a phrase we’re starting to see a lot more of as ‘TEAM’ becomes a large part of many company’s ethos.So, what is this fancy new term? Employee advocacy is the promotion and backing of a business by its workforce. This can take form in many different ways, from verbal recommendations to posts on Social Media. The latter, is what we like....

April 25, 2019

How User Generated Content can amplify your social game!

For those of you who’ve never heard the acronym ‘UGC’ before, User Generated Content is any type of content created and published to social media by unpaid contributors, i.e. your followers.UCG can include pictures, videos, testimonials, tweets, stories, blog posts, and pretty much anything else. Basically UGC is created when social media users advertently or inadvertently promote a brand via their own content, rather than the brand promoting itself.To give you an idea of why UGC is so pow...

March 29, 2019

Basics: How to write an awesome social media post

How many times have you attempted to write an engaging post, only to end up racking your brains for a witty or interesting caption?Don’t worry - it happens to the best of us! But to make your life easier, we’ve compiled a few hints and tips to bear in mind when you next find yourself struggling with ‘post copy’.Writing effective copy (the industry term for words) wherever you’re posting it, is vital for social media success. A boring caption isn’t going to catch the attention of anyo...

March 12, 2019

Let me tell you a story…

There’s a new kid on the content block. In 2018 Stories proved their worth, and subsequently in 2019 they’re EVERYWHERE. Every dominant social platform has started introducing a ‘stories’ option. Although Instagram Stories is one of the more popular and well-known versions, Stories actually originated on Snapchat in 2013.If you’re a total stories newbie, a Story is a post option that allows users to quickly and easily post a picture or a short video of what they’r...

March 1, 2019

Hashtags 101 - Understanding the Basics!

If you’re a social media rookie, the hashtag; a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#) could be baffling you right now.The hashtag came into existence on Twitter, but since then most social media platforms have adopted the use of these. The hash (symbol) turns any word or group of words that directly follow it into a searchable link, which allows you to find & organise content as well as track discussion topics based on those keywords....

December 17, 2018

Facebook & Instagram advertising: Choose the right objectives, get the right results

OK - so you’ve heard from us a lot this year, that you need to have an advertising budget for social media, if you want your maximise the potential of your content and campaigns.Spending that budget wisely is the difference between a top and a flop result, so knowing what ad objectives to select will give you the right start....

November 26, 2018

Did someone say “Influencer” again? Yep! And here’s how they’re relevant…

So, you want to know the basics of influencer marketing?Put simply, an influencer is an individual who has the power to impact purchase decisions of others because of their authority, knowledge, position or relationship with their (genuine) audience on social media. Generally an influencer has a following in a particular niche; and the size of their following can depend on the size of the niche.Social Media Influencers can be valuable for brands because they can create trends, and encourage thei...

October 26, 2018

Instagram for Business: A Guide for Newbies

If you haven’t heard of it (you might be hiding under a rock), Instagram is a hugely-popular photo and video-sharing social media platform now owned by Facebook.As well as posting images & videos to your feed, this year, the popularity of Instagram Stories (see below) has boomed, a time-limited image or video that displays at the top of a user’s feed. Plus, there are advertising opportunities now on offer for businesses that are worth paying attention to....

September 7, 2018

What you need to know about Generation Z

Just when you thought you had Millennials nailed, there’s another generation on the scene, about to enter the workforce.By 2020, Generation Z is expected to make up 40% of consumer markets, which has the potential to cause major changes across all industries! Here’s what you need to know....

August 14, 2018

GUEST BLOG: Market Research & Why you Need it!

There's a critical part of every social media strategy that includes knowing who your target audience is. Not knowing who you're talking to, how they like to be communicated with, what engages them the most or when / where they're online is like throwing a dart at a target and hoping that it sticks.We sat down with a Kiwi industry authority in 'knowing your audience' – the very talented and switched on Suzanne Smith from The Industry Group. The Industry Group specialises in market researc...

July 20, 2018

2018 FB Messenger Marketing Trends

When we think of social media marketing, it’s often just the major players that come to mind as tools; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. But that thinking misses a huge part of social media: messaging apps (which are actually separate platforms)! If you haven’t explored the options for extending your reach, customer connection and sales with the ‘king-hitter’ of messaging apps, Facebook Messenger read on - boy do we have some news for you...

June 27, 2018

Snapchat for Business: A Guide for Beginners

If you didn’t already know, Snapchat is social media platform which allows users to send time-limited images (‘snaps’) to other users. Unlike most social networking platforms, Snapchat is entirely mobile app based, so your smartphone will become a vital tool if you want to use Snapchat for business....

May 21, 2018

Make your 2018 Content Strategy Shine

If you didn’t already know, Facebook introduced some big changes to it’s content algorithm in January 2018. These changes mean businesses need to work harder to be seen, heard and remembered on the world’s most popular social media platform (more on that here).While professionals like us can only ‘crystal-ball’ the long-term impacts that these news feed changes will have, this we know for certain: There are ways for Facebook business pages to post & engage effe...

February 1, 2018

Facebook's Business Page Algorithm Changes

It's the very first fortnight of 2018, and while some of us planned a relaxing transition back from holiday to business mode, Facebook had other plans for Business Page Administrators. We all know change is inevitable so if you haven’t already, prepare yourself for the next evolution of Facebook...  Here's the skinny on what you need to know about the latest Facebook changes to affect your business presence. On January 12 (2018) Facebook (Mark Zucke...

January 15, 2018

A PSA for SME's

Don’t you feel it’s important to make sure your business is doing some networking for you… Even when you’re not?Whether social media empowers you or scares you, it’s an extremely powerful (and economical) marketing tool that you can’t afford to be without in a fast-paced digital world.If you’re harbouring on the fringes of getting your business onto social media, here’s a few questions to ask yourself:Is it the rapid change of social media that has stopped you from getting o...

November 16, 2017

How to Can the Insta Spam!

You know, that message that says "nice profile, check out mine for 100 likes" or something along those same, cheesy lines?Do you want the good news, or the bad news? Read which ever outcome below you want to hear first:The bad newsAt this point in time there's nothing that actually prevents insta-spam from happening. Spam is an annoying part life online and is always going to be there in some way, shape or form as platforms develop and evolve. Your best bet is to get tough on spam, in ...

July 6, 2016

To Instagram or Not to Instagram - The 2016 Facts

Right now, Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms globally, with more than 400 million active users. Engagement wise - Instagram is blowing engagement stats (per platform) out of the water, with an average engagement level (remember engagement is the key to a great social media presence) of around 56 percent.Unlike Facebook - which seems to be a natural fit for any brand looking for extra profile and consumer loyalty, some businesses haven't quite grasped...

June 10, 2016

The low-down on LinkedIn's Security Breach

If you've been shying away from using LinkedIn because of the security breach which made media headlines this year, here's some info from the horses-mouth (LinkedIn themselves) on what went down:...

May 26, 2016

Social Media for Business in 10 Minutes Flat

Doing this has been one of the toughest assignments we've had in a long time....

April 28, 2016 Posts 26-44 of 44 | Page prev